As a Member of Gore Mutual Insurance Company (“Gore Mutual” or the “Company”), you are entitled receive meeting notices of Member meetings as well as other information, to attend and vote at all Member meetings with the option to attend in person or by proxy. You also have the option of voting by proxy electronically, giving you the ability to vote without having to mail in any forms.
Gore Mutual has retained Kingsdale Advisors as its independent registrar and information agent, to manage Member communication preferences pertaining solely to Member matters. For your insurance policy matters you should continue to contact your broker and/or Gore Mutual, as you currently do.
Click here to complete your Member Communication Preference form and submit your instructions.
For questions or further information, please refer to the list of Frequently Asked Questions. For assistance, please contact Kingsdale Advisors, our Independent Registrar:
Call: 877-659-1820 (Toll-Free)
Text: 647-577-3610